Some may ask "Why are vultures so important?"
Vultures are essential to the ecosystem in many places of the Earth. Many people are ignorant of their value and importance. Essentially, by eating all the decaying animals and picking carcasses to the bone, all the bacteria and disease that would spread and leach into waterways and the water holes from which humans, and animals, drink from and depend on is prevented. Vultures therefore keep the ecosystem healthy by eating putrid carcasses that other predators will not touch, and do not have the stomach acid that is strong enough to kill the bacteria that feeds on the meat.
What's critical therefore is the number of vultures to the ecosystem and because they have declined so much there are too few of them to devour all the rotting flesh fast enough. Because they can't breed fast enough to recover the population they need our help either by providing "Vulture Restaurants" where safe food is provided, or captive breeding for later release.
The photo below shows Graham in South Africa surveying vulture nests and ringing young birds.

Gauntlet Conservation Trust has supported Vulpro Vulture conservation center for a number of years now, and in 2016 Gauntlet Conservation Trust funded a brand new aviary for the African White Backed vultures which have found themselves in the care of Vulpro. Graham presents Kerri, founder of VulPro, with a cheque for £6400 for the construction of the vulture breeding enclosure.

In 2020 the Trust sponsored two members of staff from Gauntlet Birds of Prey to visit South Africa where they volunteered for two weeks at VulPro, vulture rescue centre. Daisy and Shannen raised funds for their trip which included a sponsored climb up Snowdon in North Wales.

Near the peak of Snowdon on a very cold day.

Shannen and Daisy, with VulPro's Orbert  ready for two weeks hard work and learning about vulture rescue and rehabilitation on the front line.